
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2022

My favorite piece of technology

Hello, again. This blog is about my favorite piece of technology, that thing is my cellphone (but sometimes it is my computer the favorite piece, but this time I will write about the cellphone, because it is more easy). Well, it is my favorite piece because it is more portable than the computer, and because I use it to do my homework, listen to music, see Youtube videos, play games, Instagram and call my family sometimes. The cellphone affects my life in a positive and negative form, positive because I can be more connected to my family with the calls (thing that my computer can`t do); and negative because I can`t sleep because I waste my time seeing Youtube videos and listening to music until 1:00 am. I recommend the cellphone (the computer too) but obviously with responsibility (with the computer it is the same thing).

Why did I choose this career?

Hello, the first thing I want to tell is, I never have dream jobs when I was a child. Because that wasn't important for me. Ok, let's begin. Before the Visual Arts I had other career options that it was architecture or engineer, more specific, construction engineering. I like more construction engineer than architecture. The career of architecture  has more for money. I study Visual Arts in "University of chile" now, because after the career I want to have the program of pedagogy and be a teacher, I want to learn about painting, and others. The other jobs I would like to have are, work in a gallery, museum or be an independent artist. About my experience in the university is normal, but I don't like the roof of the cancer.