
A Career-Related Website OR an Expert in Your Field

Hello, now I´m going to talk about a career-related website or an expert in my field, in this case is an expert in my field, the person is Karina Román Díaz she is a visual artist, born in Santiago of Chile, in 1987. She is a teacher of visual artist in the University of Chile in the painting workshop. Her practice in arts focus in the study of the object from the development of the "still life". She works in the painting with more specifically oil paint. Her paintings are about "still life" but she also do paintings about galaxies. One example of her work is a "still life with electric kettle". I like this artist because the works are amazing, the details, the colors (for example a painting that have a cheese, an the details and the colors of the cheese are so realistic), and how she do the texture of the objects. Well that´s all for this blog.

A photograph you like

Well, in this post I`m going to write about a photograph that I like. The photograph is a work of the color class when I was in my first year of Visual Arts, the work was about painting with the color according to the light that the objects have, because the paint is about a picture too, that I took a long time ago.  I took the photo of the paint the last year, and I like the photo because this work was one of my favorite in that year, I like the colors, I like the picture I choose, because it is about when I was with my cousins watching a series and eating ramen (I don`t remember what series it was).  I choose this photo before another (that its the same photo but the paint is with quaternary color) because I don`t know, I like this paint more that the other.

A meal or food I really like

Hi, now in this post I,m going to talk about a meal or food I really like that is the lasagna. The lasagna is a type of pasta, what is separated in layers with other ingredients. The lasagna it´s made with tomato sauce, cheese, meat, and the meat it´s prepare with a lot of vegetables, but depends on the recipe. I like lasagna because it´s delicious, the flavor is tasty and makes me so happy when I eat it, but between all type of lasagna my favorite is the recipe from my mother, She do the best lasagna. The impact in the health can be negative when you eat it all the time (and that´s can happen with all the meals or foods), but in my case I eat it 1 or 2 times in the year so the impact in my health is not so much.

My favorite piece of technology

Hello, again. This blog is about my favorite piece of technology, that thing is my cellphone (but sometimes it is my computer the favorite piece, but this time I will write about the cellphone, because it is more easy). Well, it is my favorite piece because it is more portable than the computer, and because I use it to do my homework, listen to music, see Youtube videos, play games, Instagram and call my family sometimes. The cellphone affects my life in a positive and negative form, positive because I can be more connected to my family with the calls (thing that my computer can`t do); and negative because I can`t sleep because I waste my time seeing Youtube videos and listening to music until 1:00 am. I recommend the cellphone (the computer too) but obviously with responsibility (with the computer it is the same thing).

Why did I choose this career?

Hello, the first thing I want to tell is, I never have dream jobs when I was a child. Because that wasn't important for me. Ok, let's begin. Before the Visual Arts I had other career options that it was architecture or engineer, more specific, construction engineering. I like more construction engineer than architecture. The career of architecture  has more for money. I study Visual Arts in "University of chile" now, because after the career I want to have the program of pedagogy and be a teacher, I want to learn about painting, and others. The other jobs I would like to have are, work in a gallery, museum or be an independent artist. About my experience in the university is normal, but I don't like the roof of the cancer.

My Autobiography

Autobiography I was born in Concepcion, Chile, 21 of January in 2003. I studied all in the same school (high school and others, except the pre-school) the name of the school is "Colegio Bicentenario Republica del Brasil", the university when I study now Visual Arts in "Universidad de Chile". My family is normal, before going to Santiago to study Visual Arts, I lived with my mother in Concepcion, but I lived too in country with my grandmother and grandfather something about them is that my grandmother loves animals and my grandfather not too much, and sometimes with my aunt and her boyfriend (my aunt and her boyfriend go to country frequently to build their house). Another thing about my family is about my other aunt and my uncle, before the in person class, I went to visit my cousins, they are super funny. My hobbies are watching Youtube or cartoons, listening to music and playing videogames.